Post by Commander and Chief on May 12, 2012 15:43:49 GMT -6
General rules
1. Please don’t post any offensive material, its fine if you bring up controversial issues but be civil about it. If you post anything that in any way offends anyone because of their religion, race, gender, sexuality etc… it will result in a warning and possibly a permanent ban, depending on how serious it is. (note, this doesn’t apply to roleplaying as your characters can think and do whatever they want)
2. Listen to the staff, site’s not going to run unless there’s order, so failure to do will result in a penalty, probably just a warning but if it keeps happening it could result in your account getting deleted. If you felt you have been treated unfairly by a staff member, pm me, quof, and we’ll see what we can work out.
3. Cussing is allowed in character, but please keep it to a minimum out of character. The English language is beautiful and there are a million words you could use instead.
4. On that, please be literate. We don’t expect you to be perfect but we expect you to try. Also don’t use chatspeak outside of the chatbox.
5. No spamming, spams are excessively short or off-topic posts, please post everything in the appropriate boards, especially advertisements.
6. Remember this is a pg-13 site, so keep everything in character and out of character at that standard. If you are going to have mature content in your posts, post a warning in your thread title so those who wish to avoid it can.
Roleplaying rules
1. I’m not going to set a word limit, though I would encourage at least 200 words posts, preferably more. Make sure you give people enough to go off of, and try to follow the standard set by the person before you.
2. No GODMODDING/POWERPLAYING- for those of you who don’t know it is when you try to control other people’s characters when roleplaying. Write your posts so that they can respond however they want their character to respond without dictating anything to them.
3. NO MARY-SUEING!!! That’s basically where you create and invincible, perfect character who never gets hurt. Weaknesses are part of your application for a reason; they are what makes your character human, and what makes them interesting. Code word is Artemis. Make those weaknesses count and stick to them when posting. Also realize that your character cannot win every battle. When people don't follow these two rules roleplay gets really irritating and tidious really fast. Don't do it.
4. Pretty easy one, make sure you specify any out of character posting in the roleplay threads with an OOC.
1. Avatars cannot exceed a width of 150 px. And signatures cannot exceed dimensions of 600 x 450.
2. Any other pictures may not exceed a width of 600 px.
3. Last note, absolutely no porn should be posted either. Also, check the play-by images you post and make sure they’re not something you would find in a playboy magazine.
1. Please don’t post any offensive material, its fine if you bring up controversial issues but be civil about it. If you post anything that in any way offends anyone because of their religion, race, gender, sexuality etc… it will result in a warning and possibly a permanent ban, depending on how serious it is. (note, this doesn’t apply to roleplaying as your characters can think and do whatever they want)
2. Listen to the staff, site’s not going to run unless there’s order, so failure to do will result in a penalty, probably just a warning but if it keeps happening it could result in your account getting deleted. If you felt you have been treated unfairly by a staff member, pm me, quof, and we’ll see what we can work out.
3. Cussing is allowed in character, but please keep it to a minimum out of character. The English language is beautiful and there are a million words you could use instead.
4. On that, please be literate. We don’t expect you to be perfect but we expect you to try. Also don’t use chatspeak outside of the chatbox.
5. No spamming, spams are excessively short or off-topic posts, please post everything in the appropriate boards, especially advertisements.
6. Remember this is a pg-13 site, so keep everything in character and out of character at that standard. If you are going to have mature content in your posts, post a warning in your thread title so those who wish to avoid it can.
Roleplaying rules
1. I’m not going to set a word limit, though I would encourage at least 200 words posts, preferably more. Make sure you give people enough to go off of, and try to follow the standard set by the person before you.
2. No GODMODDING/POWERPLAYING- for those of you who don’t know it is when you try to control other people’s characters when roleplaying. Write your posts so that they can respond however they want their character to respond without dictating anything to them.
3. NO MARY-SUEING!!! That’s basically where you create and invincible, perfect character who never gets hurt. Weaknesses are part of your application for a reason; they are what makes your character human, and what makes them interesting. Code word is Artemis. Make those weaknesses count and stick to them when posting. Also realize that your character cannot win every battle. When people don't follow these two rules roleplay gets really irritating and tidious really fast. Don't do it.
4. Pretty easy one, make sure you specify any out of character posting in the roleplay threads with an OOC.
1. Avatars cannot exceed a width of 150 px. And signatures cannot exceed dimensions of 600 x 450.
2. Any other pictures may not exceed a width of 600 px.
3. Last note, absolutely no porn should be posted either. Also, check the play-by images you post and make sure they’re not something you would find in a playboy magazine.